Morphometry of Tabebuia aurea (Manso) Benth. & Hook. f. ex S. Moore subjected to different substrates


  • Maria José de Holanda Leite UFAL
  • Elenilton Lessa Silva dos Santos
  • João Paulo Fernandes de Moraes
  • Natália Helena Malta Soares
  • Pedro Henrique de Melo Cavalcante
  • Iana Karla Ribeiro dos Santos
  • Cosme Ângelo da Silva
  • Yasmim Yathiara Gomes Araújo Morais
  • Alciênia Silva Albuquerque
  • Nathany Alves de Andrade
  • Carmen Hellen da Silva Rocha
  • Denise Maria Santos



recovery of degraded areas, reforestation, seedling production


The morphometry and quality of seedlings of tree species is of fundamental importance to achieve success in reforestation or commercial exploitation project. Due to the lack of information about the ideal substrate for the production of craibeira seedlings and taking into account the diversification of the use of Tabebuia aurea production of native seedlings for the recovery of degraded areas, this work was conducted with the objective of evaluating the development of seedlings of this species produced with bovine manure and coconut fiber. The present work was carried out at the plant ecophysiology laboratory at the Agrarian Engineering and Sciences Campus (CECA), in Rio Largo, north-region of the state of Alagoas. Four treatments were used, which consisted of a mixture of soil + organic material, in the proportion 3:1. The materials used were tanned bovine manure (ESCB), coconut fiber (CFS) and control (soil). Whose proportions of the treatments were: T1: soil + 0% coconut fiber; T2: soil + 11% coconut fiber; T3: soil + 22% coconut fiber; T4: soil + 33% coconut fiber and T5: soil + 33% cattle manure. Macro and micronutrient analyses of the substrates used were performed. To meet the work objective, the following parameters were evaluated: plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves and leaf dry matter, stem and root and chlorophyll content index. It can be concluded that the substrates chosen for evaluation showed few significant differences in relation to seedling development; the mixture of treatment 2 (soil+coconut fiber 11%) provided a higher percentage of survival and the quality of seedlings were higher; The substrate treatment 4 (soil+coconut fiber 33%) showed much lower results in all evaluated results. However, statistically there were no significant differences in relation to the other treatments and the presence of bovine manure (soil+bovine manure 33%) results in benefits such as greater nutrient supply and possible reduction of seedling costs.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Leite, M. J. de H., Santos, E. L. S. dos, Moraes, J. P. F. de ., Soares, N. H. M. ., Cavalcante, P. H. de M. ., Santos, I. K. R. dos ., Silva, C. Ângelo da ., Morais, Y. Y. G. A. ., Albuquerque, A. S. ., Andrade, N. A. de ., Rocha, C. H. da S. ., & Santos, D. M. . (2021). Morphometry of Tabebuia aurea (Manso) Benth. & Hook. f. ex S. Moore subjected to different substrates. Conjecturas, 21(5), 134–145.


