Evaluation of soils with average potassium content summation for implantation of Musa sp in the municipality of Teotônio Vilela, Alagoas


  • Cosme Ângelo da Silva
  • Alciênia Silva Albuquerque
  • Amanda de Lira Freitas
  • Denise Maria Santos
  • Alexsandro Gonçalves Pacheco
  • Camila Alexandre Cavalcante de Almeida
  • Andréa de Vasconcelos Freitas Pinto
  • Maria José de Holanda Leite UFAL




Fertilization, Soil management, Mineral nutrition


Soil fertility is one of the crucial factors for agriculture, whose main objective is to increase production. Therefore it is extremely important to know the nutritional requirement of cultivars. Fertility-focused studies are essential for fertilization recommendations in all regions, especially in banana cultivation which is a very demanding plant in fertility. Thus, the present work aimed to evaluate soil fertility, emphasizing the quantification of nutrients necessary to ensure the agricultural productivity of musa sp. The research was developed at laudelino farm, municipality of Teotônio Vilela/Alagoas, between 2019 and 2020, where soil amotragens were performed, randomly collected in the 0-20 cm depth layer, removing 1 kg of soil and sent to the soil laboratory of the Campus of Engineering and Agrarian Sciences (CECA) of the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) located in the municipality of Rio Largo-AL, for chemical analysis. The hydrogenic potential (pH), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K+) accessible were analyzed; calcium (Ca+2) and tradable magnesium (Mg+2); saturation by exchangeable aluminum (m%), cation exchange capacity CTC at pH 7.0 (T); base saturation (V%) and; organic matter (OM). As a result of the analysis, the following results were obtained: pH content (5.6); OM (14.1 g/kg) P (5.0 mg/dm³) K (110 mg/dm³), Ca2+ (3.42 cmolc/dm³), Mg2+ (2.53 cmolc/dm³); Al3+ (0.00 cmolc/dm³), H (4.41 cmolc/dm³), and CTC (T) (10.73 cmolc/dm³); m (0.0 %) and V (59 %). Based on the above results, it is suggested the application of 1,103 kg of limestone in order to increase the base saturation to 70%, in addition to the addition of 50 kg/ha of N and 343.5 kg/ha of P2O5 and 96.7 kg/ha of K2O. It is worth mentioning that their applications in the soil must be carried out through sources of 837.8 kg/ha of triple superphosphate; 161.2 kg/ha of potassium chloride and 111 kg/ha of urea. It is also essential to add 30 to 50 t/ha of organic matter, such as bovine manure to the soil, aiming at better utilization of the material by crops.


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Como Citar

Silva, C. Ângelo da ., Albuquerque, A. S. ., Freitas, A. de L. ., Santos, D. M. ., Pacheco, A. G. ., Almeida, C. A. C. de ., Pinto, A. de V. F. ., & Leite, M. J. de H. (2021). Evaluation of soils with average potassium content summation for implantation of Musa sp in the municipality of Teotônio Vilela, Alagoas . Conjecturas, 21(6), 115–125. https://doi.org/10.53660/CONJ-306-518


