Resilience in computer networks and personal well-being: Computer engineering at the service of digital life


  • Ana Carolina Carius Universidade Católica de Petrópolis
  • Claro Ribeiro Pires Universidade Católica de Petrópolis
  • Vanessa Moreira Wendling Universidade Católica de Petrópolis
  • Eduardo Campos Papa Universidade Católica de Petrópolis



Computer Engineering, Computer network, Psychological Well-Being, Network Resilience


From personal computers with internet access from a fixed location to today's smartphones with personalized internet access anywhere, behavioral changes resulting from technological advances accumulate daily. With the COVID-19 pandemic and the expansion of the home office, home education, telemedicine, among countless other activities developed remotely because of social distancing, the internet has become a unique space in activities in which it did not play such a role before. Given this emergency and historical scenario, the present work aims to assess the social impact of a resilience solution for computer networks, based on the continuous need for internet connection in present society. The device in question maintains the internet connection, considering that serious failures can occur in the main network, through a prototype that foresees problems in this network and anticipates it, presenting a solution so that the user does not notice connection failures. Considering such a device, it is intended to evaluate its impact on the well-being of the customer who acquires it, according to the connection needs of different groups. Therefore, exploratory research is described since the impact on the clients' well-being was not studied in previous analyses. For the design of this research, it is understood that a survey-type survey is indicated, as it is intended, through questionnaires with Likert-type scales and short open questions, to capture the different needs and reactions in different social groups, chosen according to the need for internet access. This work, however, analyzes a case study in a focus group, in a home office, from the perspective of the importance of a resilience device in computer networks as a promoter of the personal well-being of individuals participating in the research. At the end of this study, we intend to answer the following research question: "Does resilience in computer networks influence the well-being of individuals who use it?"


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Como Citar

Carius, A. C., Pires, C. R., Wendling, V. M. ., & Papa, E. C. . (2021). Resilience in computer networks and personal well-being: Computer engineering at the service of digital life. Conjecturas, 21(5), 705–716.


